Monday, July 12, 2010


Hello everybody,

This weekend I went to Paris and I am sooo glad that I did! Thank you Jason and Armand for really pushing me forward and encouraging me to venture out and do so.

Hotel de Ville, Paris. House of the Mayor of Paris.

Cathedrale de Notre Dame.

Musee d'Orsay.

Arc de Triomphe du Carousel

Le Louvre.

Le Louvre Fountains.

Me in front of Arc de Triomphe du Carousel. (This is NOT the Arc de Triomphe, this is the other one in front of Le Louvre.)

Seine River.

Me and Eiffel Tower across the Seine.

Tour Eiffel.

Me and Eiffel. :)

Arc de Triomphe. (I do not know why this picture looks stretched out but I had some troubles incorporating it into the post. I apologize and may try to post another one that looks somewhat more proportional..)

Modern Paris.

More of modern Paris.

This is a fun picture! Me in front of Montemarte, my second favorite thing to see in Paris. The Eiffel Tower taking first place, bien sur!


Touresty street beneath Montemarte.

Versailles Palace.

Versailles Palace.


Me beneath Eiffel Tower.

Well, that is it for now. The internet is extremely slow and it is extremely late here... I hope that you enjoy the pictures!

I will post one or two more times, concluding this blog as my internship concludes here...

A demain.


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